- The electrodes smeared with a conductive gel place on the central
fibular part of a calf in the following sequence: red, green,
and yellow from foot to knee (see the following
photo). The distance between the electrodes should be approximately
2 cm. Put the knee freely on a chair. Take of a shoe and draw down
a sock from your heel.

- Tap on the Achilles‘ tendom with a hammer unit, and the response
of the A.t. occurs on display. The proper reaction consists of one
peak. Repeat the measurements on both legs of one student (5times
Exemplary record of Achilles reflex
- Click on Survey and move the left point of the spacer to
the starting point of the action and to the lowest value, then the
right point to the end of the action and to the highest value. Read
all values (X1, X2, and ΔX (in ms), and Y1, Y2, and ΔY (in
V). Supplement the table with a corresponding Legend.
- The results put in the following table (separately for each leg):
measurement |
X1 [ms] |
X2 [ms] |
ΔX [ms] |
Y1 [V] |
Y2 [V] |
ΔY [V] |
X1 - start of action (delay = time between tapping and start of the
X2 - end of action
ΔX - duration of action
Y1 - maximal value of AP
Y2 - minimal value of AP
ΔY - amplitude
- Calculate statistical values (standard deviation, relative standard
deviation, standard deviation of the mean) for all parameters except
for and X2.
- Compare the average values of X1 (delay of the response) and X2-X1
(duration of the response) of both legs by the conformity interval.