REDOX TITRATION (oxidation - reduction
titration) |
Chemical equation:
10 FeSO4 + 8 H2SO4 + 2 KMnO4 ====> 5 Fe(SO4)3 + 2 MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 8 H20
oxidation = FeII ====> FeIII
reduction = MnVII ====> MnII |
- Pipette 10 ml of 0.1 M FeSO4 to a
beaker, supplement with 80 ml of deionized water, and add 10 ml of H2SO4
(use the loader). Add in a stirring bar and put the beaker on magnetic
stirrer; then immerse the platinic indicator electrode (connect to G
on the instrument) + referential calomel electrode (connect to R on
the instrument).
- Fill a buret with 0.05M KMnO4 solution (factor
f = 1,000) and place the buret above titration solution..
- Titrate with this titration agent while stirring:
3.1. by step of 2 ml up to 14 ml,
3.2. by step of 1 ml up to 19 ml,
3.3. by step of 0.1 ml up to 21 ml,
3.4. by step of 1 ml up to 25 ml.
After addition of the titration agent wait always for cca 10 seconds,
then read the value E [mV].
- Create the titration curve (x = V KMnO4 [ml], y = E [mV]).
Note: While configuring the instrument red button
is pressed (STDBY), during measurements - pressed are blue and white
- From the titration curve read the equivalence point (in ml) in the
moment of potential jump (see the following chart).
- calculate the concentration of FeSO4 (on 3 decimal
c(FeSO4) = [c(KMnO4) *
V(KMnO4)] / V(FeSO4)
c(KMnO4) = 0,05 mol . l-1
V(KMnO4) = ml added = equivalence point
V(FeSO4) = 10 ml 0.1 M FeSO4.
Chemical equation:
+ KI ====> AgI + KNO3
- Put into a beaker 10 ml of cca 0.1 M KI (potassium iodide)
+ 90 ml of deionized water, supplement with a stirring bar, and put
on the magnetic stirrer.
- Immerse the corresponding silver indicator electrode (G-connector)
+ calomel referential electrode (R-connector).
- Titrate with 0.1 M AgNO3:
3.1. by step of 1ml up to 5 ml,
3.2. by step of 0.5 ml up to 9 ml,
3.3. by step of 0.1 ml up to 11 ml,
3.4. by step of 1 ml up to 15 ml.
- Create the titration curve (x = V AgNO3 [ml], y = E [mV]).
- Create new chart using values E [mV] for V AgNO3 from 6
to 9 ml (by step of 0.5 ml ): x = V AgNO3 added, y = (V0
+ V) . 10-E/g), and supplement with Linear regression line
V0 - total volume of KI used for titration = 10 ml
V - total volume of 0.1 ml/litre AgNO3 added (from 6 to 9,
in steps of 0.5 ml)
E - corresponding voltage [mV]
g - use value 59 mV (the value for 25 0C).
- read the equivalence point [in ml] at the point in which the Linear
regression trendline crosses the axis x.
Example - how to read the equivalence point.
- calculate the concentration of KI (on 3 decimal places!):
c(KI) = [c(AgNO3) * V(AgNO3)]
/ V(KI) (mol/litre)
c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol . l-1
V(AgNO3) = ml added = equivalence point
V(KI) = 10 ml.
- Calculate factor KI = experimental concentration (see paragraph 6)
/ theoretical concentration (= 0.1 M).