
1. Historical development of the human approach to animals. Religion and animals. The needs and rights of animals. Tom Regan advocates animal rights. video - Factory farming, animal welfare and the future of modern agriculture | DW Documentary (youtube.com)

Philosopher Tom Regan on Animal Rights (famous-trials.com)
2. Animal welfare and its definition, indicators of animal welfare. What is welfare - video
3. Methods of welfare assessment. ANI system and WELFARE QUALITY system. Measurement of behavioural needs. ANI evaluation.
4. Nutrition of the ruminants and its effect on animal welfare.
5. Main motivational forces of animals. Hunger, thirst and related stereotypic behaviours. Enrichment - its types and goals. Fear and stress in animals. Animals and their use by humans. Stereotypies of animals.
6. Nutrition of other livestock species and its relationship to the well-being of these species.
7. Protection of animals from suffering. Animal health - the effect of illness and pain on animal well-being. Fear and stress in animals. Animals and their use by humans. Conflicts between animals, fear and stress. The need for companionship of animals of one's own species.   video
8. Conventional and organic animal husbandry. Farms with higher welfare. Objectives of organic farming and its regulation. Organic farms from a welfare perspective.
9. Welfare of cattle. Natural behaviour of cattle. Relationship between behaviour and welfare of cattle. Breeding and reproduction technologies and their impact on animal welfare.
10. The main problems of welfare violations in different categories of cattle. The impact of cattle diseases on their welfare. Prevention of welfare violations in cattle.
11. Welfare of sheep and goats, rearing technology in relation to animal welfare.
12. Introduction to pig welfare. Pig husbandry in relation to animal welfare.

13. Welfare of laying hens - cage and alternative technologies. Advantages and disadvantages. Broiler chicken fattening. Specifics of welfare in this category of poultry.
14. Welfare of waterfowl and other poultry species.

Practical sessions:

1. Welfare of livestock, introduction to the issue. Semester work assignment - evaluation of the level of animal welfare in a selected livestock farm.
2. Welfare of dairy and beef cattle - principles of animal handling (practical video demonstration). The most common problems in cattle welfare. Model examples. Useful links
3. Free time.
4. Welfare of pigs - principles of animal handling (practical video demonstration). The most common problems in pig welfare. Model examples.
5. Welfare of sheep and goats - principles of animal handling (practical video demonstration). The most common problems in sheep and goat welfare. Model examples. 
6. Welfare of poultry - welfare problems of hens and chicken kept for meat production associated with the way they are kept (practical video demonstration). The most common welfare problems in poultry. Model examples.

7. Welfare of ducks, geese and turkeys. Model examples. Most common welfare problems in waterfowl and turkeys.
8. Assessing livestock welfare at the exibitions, markets and during transport. video
9. Welfare of animals at stunning and slaughter. Practical video demonstration of livestock slaughter.
10. - 12. practicals. Welfare of livestock - housing technology, nutrition, diseases and their impact on animal welfare  (excursion to the Nový Dvùr - university farm).
13. Presentation of a semester study - evaluation of the animal welfare level in a selected livestock farm.
14. Presentation of the semester study - evaluation of animal welfare level in a selected livestock farm.