Department of Animal Protection and Welfare and Public Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of veterinary hygiene and ecology

Veterinary and pharmaceutical university Brno



This webpage last update was done in 2023. More updates will not continue.

bulletIntroduction and course requirements
bullet Syllabus of the subject
bullet Lecture No. 1 (Toxicology – specification, history, toxicity assessment)
bullet Lecture No. 2 (Basics of general toxicology)
bullet Lecture No. 3 (Inorganic substances poisoning – ammonia, urea, cyanides, fluorosis, carbon dioxide)
bullet Lecture No. 4 (Organic substances poisoning – metaldehyde, chlorinated hydrocarbons, tensides – surfactants, methylxantines)
bullet Lecture No. 5 (Organic substances poisoning – alcohols, ethylene glycol, phthalates, musk compounds)
bullet Lecture No. 6 (Organic substances poisoning – PCBs, dioxins, PAHs, cyanotoxins)
bullet Lecture No. 7 (Food toxins - glucosides, glycoalkaloids)
bullet Lecture No. 8 (Food toxins - glucosinolates, phytoestrogens)
bullet Lecture No. 9 (Metal poisoning – mercury, lead, cadmium)
bullet Lecture No. 10 (Metal poisoning – copper, zinc, thallium, tin, selenium, arsenic)
bullet Lecture No. 11 (Drug poisonings)
bullet Lecture No. 12+13 (Toxicology of pesticides)
bulletHooked illustrations
bulletPractical work
bullet Practice No. 1 (Introduction, examination in the place of poisoning)
bullet Practice No. 2 (Salt intoxication)
bullet Practice No. 3 (Nitrates, nitrites and CO poisoning)
bullet Practice No. 4 (Pesticides – chlorinated insecticides, organophosphates, carbamates), Stockholm convention
bullet Practice No. 5 (Rodenticides)
bullet Practice No. 6 (Mycotoxins) + Test 1 (from practices 1-6)
bullet Practice No. 7 (Phytotoxins) + Case studies submission
bullet Practice No. 8 (Toxicity tests)
bullet Practice No. 9 (Diagnosis of fish poisoning)
bullet Practice No. 10 (Rape toxicosis, botulism, zootoxins)
bullet Practice No. 11 (Honey bee poisonings) - Test 2 = Credit test (all practices)
bulletPractice No. 12+13 - Presentation of case studies
bulletHooked illustrations
bulletCase studies
bulletEntrance information to case studies - presentation during 12. + 13. week of term
bullet Case study No. 1
bullet Case study No. 2
bullet Case study No. 3
bullet Case study No. 4
bullet Case study No. 5
bullet Case study No. 6
bullet Case study No. 7
bullet Case study No. 8
bullet Case study No. 9
bullet Case study No. 10
bullet Case study No. 11
bullet Case study No. 12
bulletSample case studies with solution
bulletImportant references
bulletVideos and other hooked illustrations
bullet Exam questions
bulletAdditional information


