Collaborating institutions 19.11. 2010 University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences BrnoThe University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno is the only university in the Czech Republic specialising in the field of veterinary medicine, veterinary hygiene and ecology and just one of two that teach pharmaceutical sciences. The university is located in the part of Brno called Královo Pole. It comprises three faculties. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine provides university education and carries out research and activities concerning especially clinical veterinary medicine. The Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology provides university education and carries out research and activities concerning especially veterinary hygiene and safety and quality of foodstuff. The Pharmaceutical Faculty provides university education and carries out research and activities specialising in human and veterinary pharmacy. Students can apply to courses leading to Bachelor's degree and to follow-up courses leading to Master's or Doctor's degree. Lifelong education is another important activity of the university. This education provides courses towards the first and second degree certification for government certified veterinary doctors and towards the certification based on certain laws. Lifelong education courses also include courses and seminars for professionals as well as for general public. A special form of lifelong education is provided in courses organised by so-called Third Age University. Further activities of the university include research projects and publishing. The university takes part in two scientific projects and two national research programs. University clinics provide veterinary care accessible to Czech clients and specialised care accessible also to foreign clients. Depending on the animal species this 24-hour care includes emergency services, hospitalisation or care in the intensive care unit. There is an abattoir located in the university campus. The university also provides public pharmaceutical care.
Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and MedicinesThe Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicines is subject to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Activities of the institution result from the current legislation, especially Act. No. 378/2007 Coll. on pharmaceuticals and from other related acts. The institute also carries out activities in the area of regulations concerning veterinary medicines, veterinary preparations and veterinary technical devices. Beside this, the institute also carries out activities based on the requirements of relevant EU regulations. The institute closely cooperates with other state administration bodies, especially with State Veterinary Administration, State Institute for Drug Control, Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture, State Phytosanitary Administration and also with professional institutes and groups. |