Making records from the lessons

You have to elaborate a protocol from each lesson onto an undersigned A4 sized paper or into notebook. Each protocol has to contain the date and topic of the lesson, followed by the individual tasks inscribed with number and title and containing drawings of observed objects. The drawings have to be done by a pencil (colored parts can be drawn by a crayons), they have to be large enough (two pictures on one page at the most) and have to contain a description (also by a pencil). The magnification used for the observation has to be pointed out alongside each drawing. In case you prepare the sample yourself, or if you perform an experiment, the protocol has to contain a description of the procedure. The outcome of an observation or the findings resulting from an experiment has to be summarized in "Conclusion".

The protocols have to be at university level including handwriting and overall appearance!

Submission of complete and accurate protocols at the end of each semester (along with regular attendance and with successful passing of specified tests) is one of the requirements for granting your credit. It is necessary to elaborate the protocol(s) even in case of your absence in the particular lesson.


Topic of the practical work:
TASK 1: (the title of the task)
Drawing: (sufficiently large, with a pencil and also a crayon, description)
Magnification (40×, 100×, 400×, 1000×, or 10/4, 10/10, 10/40, 10/100)

Conclusion: (result and evaluation of observation or experiment)