Cytogenetics - study of chromosomes, karyotypes
TASK 1: Structure of polytene (giant) chromosome
PP: polytene (giant) chromosome - "obrovské chromosomy", NP: salivary gland of chironomid larva (Chironomus sp.) or Drosophila melanogaster
Prepare salivary glands of the chironomid larva and control the presence of the giant chromosomes under a microscope. Pass the slide (sample-side up) through the flame of the burner 3 to 4 times to heat-fix the sample. Stain it with acetorcein for 5-10 min. Cover with a cover glass and prepare the compression sample. Observe polytene chromosomes with chromomeres (stripes of different width) and puffs.
Fig.: Polytene chromosome in cells of salivary gland in chironomid larva.
TASK 2: Sex chromatin in somatic cells
NP and PP: buccal smear - "pohlavní chromatin"
Take a sample from the inner side of the cheek using a cotton swab and impress the swab on a slide. Fix it above the flame and apply acetorcein on the slide for 5 min. and then cover with a cover glass. In somatic cells of female buccal mucosa, you can find sex chromatin (Barr body), a densely colored body in the periphery of the nucleus.
Fig.: Sex chromatin.
TASK 3: Mammal karyotype
PP: karyotype of rabbit, pig, sheep, horse, cattle and human - "karyotyp králík, prase, ovce, kůň, skot, člověk".
Observe permanent samples prepared from lymphocytes of different domestic animals or human (Note: In the samples, you can find round nucleus of lymphocytes and clusters of chromosomes = karyotype). Compare the numbers and types of chromosomes (rabbit 2n = 44, pig 2n = 38, sheep 2n = 54, horse 2n = 64 and human 2n = 46).
TASK 4: Karyotype of onion
NP: the rootlet of onion (Allium cepa) cultivated with 0.02 % water solution of colchicin and stained with acetorcein.
Prepare the compression sample from a stained onion rootlet and find the cluster of chromosomes (karyotype).
Fig.: Examples of karyotype: A – in cattle (Bos taurus), B – in onion (Allium cepa).
TASK 5: Karyotype records
Write following karyotypes:
- karyotype of healthy man and woman
- karyotype of bull (male cattle), mare (female horse), ram (male sheep)
- karyotype of man with Down syndrome and man with Klinefelter syndrome
- karyotype of woman with Edwards syndrome and woman with Turner syndrome
- Biology
- Chemical composition
- Non-cellular life
- Prokaryotes and immersion microscopy
- Eukaryotes
- Movement and irritation
- Transport of substances, osmosis
- Mitosis
- Reproduction and development
- Influence of surroundings onto the bioplasm
- Research methods in biology
- Genetics
- Cytogenetics
- Model organism
- Monohybridism
- Polyhybridism
- Polymorphic genes
- Gene interactions
- Inheritance and sex
- Genetic linkage
- Population genetics
- Quantitative genetics
- Nonmendelian inheritance